HIV+ Matrimony

Welcome to, an exclusive platform for Hiv Positives marriage in india. We provide end to end matchmaking services for Indian Hiv positive brides and Hiv positive Grooms. Register if searching, Hiv girl for marriage or Hiv positive boy for marriage. Registration is absolutely free! Checkout How to Use Hiv Positive Marriage for more info. Also read Hiv Positive Marriage FAQ's.

Mission provides you an easy platform where you can Search and contact your sole-mate. Just Register your profile to get started.


In FEB 2021, We started with simple objective to Help Hiv Positive peoples find their life partners online with just a click of the mouse.

Why ? is poised to provide top-notch best matrimonial services for hiv positives. Everyone deserving and eligible could get online help to find a perfect match with whom he/she expects to live life-long, with full of bliss and happiness - will help you accomplish this modest task for which you will feel proud of, with our great and timely customer support and assistance in taking a right decision.

We believe that In India it’s really difficult for Hiv positive people to talk about their positive status and the kind of problem they are facing. We provide you a platform where you can search and contact your sole-mate easily and talk to us about anything related. Improving HIV education and banishing the myths about HIV transmission are the best ways to end the social stigma still associated with living with HIV.

No effective cure currently exists, but with proper medical care, HIV can be controlled. Spreading knowledge and awareness about HIV is one of the key strategies utilized in the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS worldwide. Inadequate knowledge and risky practices are major hindrances in preventing the spread of HIV. Talk to us on Facebook, and Instagram or Email or WhatsApp.

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